In the Town...
Nestled in the heart of Central Florida, Windermere is a charming lakeside town boasting a rich history, luxurious real estate, and an exceptional quality of life. With easy access to Orlando's world-famous attractions, Windermere Florida offers the perfect balance between serene lakeside living and vibrant city life.
Windermere's picturesque lakes and parks provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities and recreation. Town residents and visitors can enjoy water skiing, boating and fishing on the thirteen lakes that make up the Butler Chain of Lakes as well as blueberry picking and lake tours.
The town is home to numerous parks, such as Central Park, Lake Down Boat Ramp and Lake Street Park which offer additional spaces for activities like kayaking, biking and tennis.
Living in Windermere, FL is an experience like no other. With its idyllic atmosphere and close proximity to numerous attractions, you will never be bored here. It's the perfect combination of suburban life with a taste of Southern hospitality.