Moving Into A New House
Here Are A Few Items You Should Make Sure You Have Moving into a new house is a very stressful process. You have to remember what to bring and what to buy. You have to make sure you don’t leave anything behind that’s important or essential to the move. You have to get your ducks in a row and check that to-do list like your life depends on it. Now, generally speaking, it’s easy to remember that you have to transport your bed and bedroom set to your new home. If you don’t, where are you going to sleep? On the floor? Probably not. What’s not-so-easy to remember throughout the moving process is things like a box cutter, a first aid kit, a portable power station, etc. Don’t worry, we have you covered. This short explanation list will remind you of those essentials. And if we could implement one more suggestion, it would be to keep all the chosen necessities in one box with big bold labeling “IMPORTANT” in an agreed upon area of the house (at least until unpacking is over). That way when it’s time to use anything inside, you can easily locate it! Box Cutters Ripping the tape off of every secured box is a pain in the butt! Using your car or house keys to split the tape up the middle isn’t all that easy, either. That’s why we recommend purchasing an inexpensive multi-pack of box cutters; you’ll get through unpacking much quicker. Trash Bags You may have a large box of trash bags housed in a different box, but make sure your IMPORTANT box has a few heavy-duty ones. You’ll thank us later when you’re unpacking and need to throw away packing materials as you go. First Aid Kit Packing and unpacking can lead to an array of small injuries. That’s why it’s perfect to have bandaids, antibiotic ointments, and antiseptic wipes handy. Box cutters may knick your skin and glass may accidentally break, so it’s best to be prepared with the health aid basics. Fire Extinguisher Oftentimes, homeowners assume a fire extinguisher will be included in the sale of the house, but that’s almost never the case. Pick up a small one that can fit in the kitchen before you get into your new home. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly and it’s best to be prepared. Extension Cords No matter how much time you plan and how many problems you troubleshoot, the result is still the same: Cords won’t always reach surrounding plugs. That’s where an extension cord or two come into play. Even if you don’t think you’ll use them, bring or buy them anyway. Eventually, they will serve a purpose. Portable Power Station The power may not go out often, but what if it goes out at the most inopportune time? Better safe than sorry with a portable power station by your side. Charge your phone, plug a lamp or generator in, and keep the air conditioning going. This nifty tool will prepare you for almost any power outage. Bottled Water When you’re transporting boxes from one place to another, the last thing on your mind is grocery shopping. Most people simply want to get the moving part done and out of the way. What we sometimes fail to acknowledge is that we must stay hydrated to move along quicker. One 24-pack would give you the hydration and motivation to be on your feet longer and faster. We’re almost positive that you forgot at least one thing on our list, but that’s ok! We’re happy to help and remind you. Are there other typically forgettable items that didn’t make the list? Absolutely. Examples include flashlights, tool boxes, lightbulbs, batteries, and a lock box. If there’s anything else of noteworthy presence, start up a checklist and be sure to follow it every step of the way.